HIDDEN GEMS – Alt Tags Improve Your Site’s SEO and Accessibility
One essential, often-overlooked aspect that makes for a strong, quickly found website is optimizing your images with alt tags. Alt tags or alt descriptions are text on a web page that appear if an image file – photograph or graphic – does not load properly. Current technology that Google uses for SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) makes image alt tags just as crucial as text-based search results. Google, for instance, does not see images the way human beings do; the hidden description helps define what a person might be searching for on the web.
As technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) improve, the image itself can dictate how your page ranks in a search. Alt tags can ensure that you are sharing trustworthy, appropriate information.
Don’t forget the millions of people you do business with that are visually impaired. Alt tags convert image content to an audio option.
Let’s break it down!
Here’s an example to help you understand the importance of having helpful alt tags and file names.
There is truly an art AND science to making your website meet your organization’s goals.
With so much to consider for Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – which includes your organic and paid search plans – sometimes you just need a little assist. Consider that your audience might find your website in various ways beyond key words and phrases like maps, Amazon, YouTube, social media outlets, as well as alt tags. Let us step in by identifying, implementing, and improving your SEO through keywords and phrase strategies, alt tags, and robust content.